Historic shipwrecks of the North Coast: an archaeologist’s perspective

Royal Court Hotel 233 Ballybogey Road, Portrush

There are numerous historic shipwrecks lying off the North Coast. These wrecks have the ability to inform us about many aspects of our history which makes them of interest to archaeologists and part of our shared heritage. Wrecks can also serve as important tourist assets attracting recreational divers and bringing additional benefits to our local … Continue reading Historic shipwrecks of the North Coast: an archaeologist’s perspective

On the Railways of Binevenagh

Peter Thompson Hall 68 Freehall Rd, Castlerock

Join local historian John Moore for a talk on the rich history of the railways of Binevenagh, from the 19th century to the present day. This talk will be followed by a ‘Share Your Memories’ session. Bring along your old photos, objects & tales for a chance to be included in a new Railway publication! … Continue reading On the Railways of Binevenagh

Wildflower walk at Binevenagh National Nature Reserve

Ballycarton Wood Aghanloo Road, Limavady, United Kingdom

Join Binevenagh Landscape Partnership Scheme and expert Karl Hamilton from Ecomantella on a guided walk of Binevenagh National Nature Reserve to discover the range of alpine species of wildflower that lives in this special habitat. THIS WALK IS FREE OF CHARGE Meeting point is Ballycarton Wood car park. Please follow social distancing guidelines For further … Continue reading Wildflower walk at Binevenagh National Nature Reserve


Invasive Garden Plants


Join Karl Hamilton from Ecomantella and Binevenagh LPS for this free training workshop to learn about the the plants you have in your garden which are considered invasive and find out about alternative native plant species you can plant instead. We are giving away a free native plant to everyone who attends this workshop for … Continue reading Invasive Garden Plants

Moth Morning Umbra Nature Reserve

Benone Tourist Complex Benone Avenue, Limavady

The Binevenagh and Coastal Lowlands Landscape Partnership are teaming up with Ulster Wildlife at their coastal site at the Umbra Nature Reserve to explore the wonderful world of moths. Traps will be placed on site the night before and we will be joined by moth expert Andy Crory who will help us identify the species … Continue reading Moth Morning Umbra Nature Reserve

Bracken Bashing at the Moors of Castlerock

The Moors of Castlerock Tunnel Brae, Castlerock, United Kingdom

Join us to help tackle bracken on the moors of Castlerock as part of our wider habitat restoration plan for the area. Over the last decade the site at the Moors of Castlerock has been overrun by bracken, which now dominates the site, shading out all the native species and has resulted in degradation of … Continue reading Bracken Bashing at the Moors of Castlerock

Wildflower Seed Collection Training

Magilligan Community Allotments Oughtymoyle Avenue

Join Debbie Gillies from True Harvest Seeds to learn how to collect seed from a variety of our native wildflowers. Venue: Magilligan Community Allotments, Oughtymoyle Avenue, BT49 OJZ Programme for the day 10.30am Start • Introduce THS and the seed bank • Talk through seed collection practices, data sheets and how to collect seeds • … Continue reading Wildflower Seed Collection Training

Wild Foraging with Wild.Life

Bishops Gate picnic area Downhill Forest, Mussenden Road

Enjoy a gentle walk around the enchanted Downhill Forest with Glenn White to discover 'nature's bounty.' You will learn how to identify edible, medicinal and other useful plants. We will discuss processing, cooking, preserving and the folklore of plants. Glenn’s knowledge is vast and will leave you looking at the world around you in a … Continue reading Wild Foraging with Wild.Life


Community Apple Press Open Day and Self Guided Tour of Hezlett House

Hezlett House 107 Sea Road, Castlerock, United Kingdom

Join Binevenagh LPS and National Trust for some apple pressing and visit the unique thatched cottage of Hezlett House. Binevenagh Landscape Partnership Scheme have joined with National Trust to install a community apple press that can be used by local communities in the area. Use of the apple press is free of charge but as … Continue reading Community Apple Press Open Day and Self Guided Tour of Hezlett House

Altikeeragh Bog Science – Fieldwork and data collection

Altikeeragh Bog, Ballyhackett viewpoint 15-27 Ballyhackett Lane, Limavady, United Kingdom

Help us with essential data collection and ecological survey work for the restoration work on Alitkeeragh Bog. We need your help with practical data collection on Alitkeeragh Bog. This data will feed into the creation of a restoration plan for the site. The fieldwork involves bog mapping and peat depth measurements. All equipment will be … Continue reading Altikeeragh Bog Science – Fieldwork and data collection

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