In June 2017 Causeway Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust (CCGHT) submitted a Heritage Lottery Landscape Partnership Scheme for the the Binevenagh and Coastal Lowlands area.
The application was based upon three key built, natural and cultural heritage features in the landscape of the Binevenagh and Coastal Lowlands area (see map):
- Defence Heritage Features (from the Napoleonic era to the present day, including WWI, WWII, the Cold War and the Troubles Period)
- Outdoor Recreation Activities and Infrastructure (on land, sea and in the air)
- Priority Habitats and Species (particularly within Areas of Special Scientific Interest and Special Areas of Conservation)
In order to assess the current and potential quality, extent and accessibility of Defence Heritage features, CCGHT along with Quarto and Ulidia Heritage Services produced a “Binevenagh Coastal and Lowlands Defence Heritage Audit”.
CCGHT’s 2017 Binevenagh and Coastal Lowlands Heritage Lottery Landscape Partnership Scheme application will be subject to assessment between August and October 2017.
*please note that the projects outlined in the document should be considered aspirational. There is no guarantee of financial, resource, landowner or community support for these projects. CCGHT will be liaising with partners in the public, private and voluntary sector to determine which projects can be delivered in the short, medium and long term.